Kristin's Library


Hector Abad
The Joy of Being Awake
Erica Abeel
Conscience Point (ebook)
Jessica Abel
Out on the Wire
Elizabeth Acevedo
Clap When You Land (audio)
Douglas Adams
The More Than Complete Hitchhiker's Guide
Mostly Harmless
Wastelands 2 (kindle)
John Joseph Adams
The End is Nigh (ebook)
Scott Adams
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big (audible)
John Addiego
The Islands of Divine Music (ebook)
Katherine Addison
The Angel of the Crows (kindle)
Linda D. Addison
How to Recognize a Demon Has Become Your Friend (ebook)
Marcos Aguinis
The Passion According to Carmela (kindle)
Forrest Aguirre, ed
Leviathan 4: Cities
Saladin Ahmed
Engraved on the Eye (kindle)
Joan Aiken
Eliza's Daughter (ebook)
Bothayna Al-Essa
The Book Censor's Library
Rabih Alameddine
An Unnecessary Woman (kindle)
Daniel Alarcon
War By Candlelight
Kathleen Alcala
Mrs. Vargas and the Dead Naturalist (ebook)
Nina Allan
The Silver Wind
John Allemang
The Importance of Lunch
Isabel Allende
Maya's Notebook (kindle)
Marsha Altman
The Darcys & the Bingleys (ebook)
Julia Alvarez
How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents (kindle)
American Society of Magazine Editors
The Best American Magazine Writing 2007
The Best American Magazine Writing 2008
America's Test Kitchen
The Complete Vegetarian Cookbook
Kingsley Amis & Robert Conquest, eds
Spectrum 4
Anil Ananthaswamy
The Edge of Physics (ebook)
Charlie Jane Anders
All the Birds in the Sky
The City in the Middle of the Night
Even Greater Mistakes
Promises Stronger Than Darkness (kindle)
Rock Manning Goes for Broke (kindle)
Six Months, Three days, Five Others
Ho Che Anderson
King (ebook)
Kevin Anderson
Tau Ceti (kindle)
M.T. Anderson
Feed (kindle)
Tim Anderson
Tune in Tokyo (kindle)
Ivo Andric
The Bridge on the Drina
Natalie Angier
The Canon (ebook)
Aziz Ansari
Modern Romance (kindle)
Piers Anthony
Bearing an Hourglass (audio)
On a Pale Horse (audio)
Ryka Aoki
Light from Uncommon Stars (kindle)
Katherine Arden
The Bear and the Nightingale
The Girl in the Tower
The Winter of the Witch
Dan Ariely
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2012 (kindle)
Hiro Arikawa
The Goodbye Cat
Kelley Armstrong
Amityville Horrible (ebook)
Lost Souls (ebook)
Catherine Asaro, ed
Nebula Awards Showcase 2013 (ebook)
Brian Ash et al
Black Dynamite (ebook)
Neal L. Asher
The Engineer Reconditioned (kindle)
The Gabble (kindle)
Line War (kindle)
Orbus (kindle)
Owning the Future (kindle)
Runcible Tales (kindle)
Kate Ashwin & Kel McDonald
The Girl Who Married a Skull (ebook)
Isaac Asimov
The Complete Stories, vol I
The Complete Stories, vol II
In the Beginning... (ebook)
The Mammoth Book of New World Science Fiction
Robot Dreams (ebook)
Edward Ashton
Mickey 7
Margaret Atwood
Oryx and Crake
Year of the Flood (kindle)
The Testaments
Paul Auster
The Art of Hunger
Invisible (kindle)
Sarah Avery
The Imlen Brat (kindle)
Vita Ayala et al
Livewire vol 1 (ebook)
Xena: Warrior Princess Road Warrior (ebook)
Shokoofeh Azar
The Enlightenment of the Greengage Tree


Rachel Bach
Fortune's Pawn
Paolo Bacigalupi
The Alchemist
The Drowned Cities
Pump Six (ebook)
Ship Breaker
Tool of War
The Water Knife
The Windup Girl (kindle)
Paolo Bacigalupi & Tobias S. Buckell
The Tangled Lands (kindle)
Jim Baggott
Farewell to Reality (ebook)
Julianna Bagott
Pure (kindle)
David Bajo
Panopticon (ebook)
Alison Baker
How I Came West, and Why I Stayed
Kage Baker
Ancient Rockets (ebook)
The Best of Kage Baker
Black Projects, White Knights
Dark Mondays
The Hotel Under the Sand (ebook)
In the Garden of Iden
Mother Aegypt
Or Else My Lady Keeps the Key (kindle)
Mishell Baker
Asja Bakic
Travis Baldree
Legends & Lattes (kindle)
James Baldwin
If Beale Street Could Talk (audio)
Nobody Knows My Name (audio)
Notes of a Native Son (audio)
K. C. Ball
Snapshots from a Black Hole & Other Oddities (ebook)
Elly Bangs
Unity (ebook)
Iain Banks
Against a Dark Background
The Algebraist
The Business
Canal Dreams
Consider Phlebas
Look to Windward
The Player of Games
A Song of Stone
The State of the Art
Surface Detail (kindle)
Use of Weapons
Nick Bantock
The Artful Dodger
The Forgetting Room
The Golden Mean
Griffin & Sabine
The Gryphon
The Morning Star
The Museum at Purgatory
The Pharos Gate
Sabine's Notebook
The Venetian's Wife
Leigh Bardugo
Ninth House (kindle)
Clive Barker
Tortured Souls (ebook)
Bill Barnes and Gene Ambaum
Book Club
Frequently Asked Questions
Large Print
Library Mascot Cage Match
Read Responsibly
Too Much Information
What Would Dewey Do?
Bill Barnes, Gene Ambaum & Chris Hallbeck
Overdue (ebook)
Daniel Barnes & D.J. Kirkland
The Black Mage (ebook)
Eric Barnes
Shimmer (ebook)
Jonathan Barnes
The Domino Men
Julian Barnes
A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters
Rodney Barnes & Selina Espiritu
Quincredible vol 1 (ebook)
Steven Barnes
Lion's blood (kindle)
Kelly Barnhill
Dreadful Young Ladies
Shirley Barrett
The Bus on Thursday
Laird Barron
The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All (kindle)
William Barton, Michael Capobianco
White Light
Christopher Barzak
The Love We Share Without Knowing
Samit Basu
The Simoqin Prophecies (ebook)
John Baxter
The Most Beautiful Walk in the World (kindle)
Stephen Baxter
Mainfold: Time (kindle)
Barrington J. Bayley
Collision Course
Peter S. Beagle
I See by My Outfit
The Last Unicorn (ebook)
Elizabeth Bear
Ancestral Night (kindle)
New Amsterdam (ebook)
One-Eyed Jack (ebook)
Greg Bear
Moving Mars (ebook)
Songs of Earth and Power
Paul Beatty
The Sellout (audible)
Bradley Beaulieu
The Winds of Khalakovo (kindle)
Alison Bechdel
Fun Home
Koa Beck
White Feminism
Camden Benares
A Handful of Zen
Zen without Zen Masters
Gregory Benford
Grace Immaculate (kindle)
Gregory Benford, David Brin
Heart of the Comet
Joe Benitez & M. M. Chen
Lady Mechanika 1 (ebook)
Lady Mechanika 2 (ebook)
Lady Mechanika 3 (ebook)
Lady Mechanika 4 (ebook)
Lady Mechanika 5 (ebook)
Lady Mechanika 6 (ebook)
Robert Jackson Bennett
City of Blades
City of Miracles
City of Stairs
Mr. Shivers
Vigilance (kindle)
Herbert Benson
Mind over Menopause
Kirsten Berg, Torie Bosch, Joey Eschrich, Ed Finn, Andres Martinez and Juliet Ulman, eds
Future Tense Fiction
Michele Tracy Berger
Reenu-You (ebook)
Bill Berkeley
The Graves are Not Yet Full
Steve Berman
Handsome Devil
Marc Bernadin et al
Genius vol 1 (ebook)
R.M. Berry
Plane Geometry
Alexander Besher
Alfred Bester
The Computer Connection (ebook)
The Demolished Man
The Stars My Destination
Alfred Bester, Roger Zelazny
Lauren Beukes
Slipping (ebook)
Zoo City (kindle)
Susan Bigelow
Broken (kindle)
Serge Bile
Black Man on the Titanic (ebook)
Chandler J. Birch
The Facefaker's Game
Jack Bishop
The Complete Italian Vegetarian Cookbook
Eula Biss
Notes from No Man's Land
Tom Bissell
Chasing the Sea
Terry Bisson
Any Day Now
Fire on the Mountain
In the Upper Room and other Unlikely Stories
Mark Bittman
How to Cook Everything
How to Cook Everything Vegetarian
Holly Black
Poison Eaters and Other Stories (ebook)
Tithe (ebook)
Zombies Vs. Unicorns (ebook)
Moniquill Blackgoose
To Shape a Dragon's Breath
Andrew Blackwell
Visit Sunny Chernobyl: And Other Adventures in the World's Most Polluted Places (kindle)
Elise Blackwell
The Unnatural History of Cypres Parish (ebook)
Alex Bledsoe
The Hum and the Shiver
Francesca Lia Block
Dangerous Angels (kindle)
Lawrence Block
Burglars Can't be Choosers (kindle)
The Sins of the Fathers (kindle)
Jorge Luis Borges
Collected Fictions
Tadeusz Borowski
This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen
Desirina Boskovich, ed
It Came from the North (ebook)
Anthony Bourdain, ed
The Best American Travel Writing 2008
Liz Bourke
Sleeping with Monsters (kindle)
Richard Bowes
From the Files of the Time Rangers
David Bowles
Lords of the Earth (ebook)
Steven R. Boyett
Ariel (kindle)
Ray Bradbury
Fahrenheit 451
The Stories of Ray Bradbury
Zen in the Art of Writing
Elizabeth Bradfield, CMarie Fuhrman and Derek Sheffield
Cascadia Field Guide
Lisa M. Bradley
Exile (ebook)
The Haunted Girl (ebook)
Rick Bragg
Somebody Told Me
Giannina Braschi
Empire of Dreams (kindle)
Marie Brennan
Driftwood (ebook)
Alan Brennert
Honolulu (kindle)
Peter V. Brett
Brayan's Gold (ebook)
Alicia Wright Brewster
Echo (ebook)
Sheila Bright
#1960Now (ebook)
David Brin
The River of Time
Jennifer Marie Brissett
Elysium (ebook)
Kevin Brockmeier
Real Unreal: Best American Fantasy volume 3
Things That Fall from the Sky
Robert Brockway
Carrier Wave (audio)
Damien Broderick
The Sea's Furthest End
Keith Brooke
Segue: into the strange (kindle)
David Brooks
The Best American Essays 2012 (kindle)
Geraldine Brooks
People of the Book
Gwendolyn Brooks
The Essential... (kindle)
Max Brooks
World War Z
Terry Brooks
Magic Kingdom for Sale (kindle)
Alan Brown
Audrey Hepburn's Neck
Brene Brown
Daring Greatly (audio)
Chester Brown
The Little Man (ebook)
Chuck Brown & David F. Walker
Bitter Root (ebook)
Cole Brown
Greyboy (ebook)
David Jay Brown
Don Brown
Black Sea Affair (kindle)
Eric Brown
The Extraordinary Voyage of Jules Verne (kindle)
New York Nights (kindle)
Starship Summer (kindle)
Kate Brown
Pierce Brown
Red Rising (kindle and audio)
John Browne
Seven Elements that Changed the World (ebook)
Jennifer Brozek, ed
Bless Your Mechanical Heart (kindle)
Jeb Brugmann
Welcome to the Urban Revolution
John Brunner
The Jagged Orbit (ebook)
Pasquale Bruno, Jr.
The Great Chicago-Style Pizza Cookbook
Rhett Bruno, M.B. Vance
Hellfire (audio)
Steven Brust & Emma Bull
Freedom & Necessity
Jen Bryant & Cannaday Chapman
Feed Your Mind (ebook)
Rinker Buck
The Oregon Trail (audible)
Tobias S. Buckell
The Executioness (kindle)
Mitigated Futures (kindle)
Shoggoths in Traffic (ebook)
Tides from the New Worlds (kindle)
Tobias S. Buckell & Joe Monti, eds
Diverse Energies
Stewart Buettner
The Shakespeare Manuscript (kindle)
Thi Bui
The Best We Could Do (ebook)
Lois McMaster Bujold
The Assassins of Thasalon (kindle)
Borders of Infinity
Brothers in Arms
Captain Vorpatril's Alliance
A Civil Campaign
Cordelia's Honor
The Curse of Chalion
Demon Daughter (kindle)
Diplomatic Immunity
Dreamweaver's Dilemma
Ethan of Athos
Falling Free
The Flowers of Vashnoi (kindle)
The Hallowed Hunt
Knife Children (kindle)
Knot of Shadows (kindle)
Masquerade in Lodi (kindle)
Mira's Last Dance (kindle)
Mirror Dance
Orphans of Raspay (kindle)
Paladin of Souls
Penric and the Bandit (kindle)
Penric's Mission (kindle)
Penric's Fox (kindle)
The Physicians of Vilnoc (kindle)
The Prisoner of Limnos (kindle)
Shards of Honor (ebook)
The Sharing Knife: Beguilement
The Sharing Knife: Horizon
The Sharing Knife: Legacy
The Sharing Knife: Passage
Sidelines (kindle)
The Spirit Ring
The Vor Game
The Warrior's Apprentice
Charles Bukowski
Ham on Rye (kindle)
Emma Bull
Finder (kindle)
Sara Bullard
Free at Last (kindle)
William S. Burroughs
Junky (audio)
Edwin G. Burrows and Mike Wallac
Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898 (kindle)
Stephen Bury
The Cobweb
Catherine Bush
Minus Time
Jim Butcher
Fool Moon (kindle)
Working for Bigfoot (ebook)
Blake Butler
Nothing (kindle)
Octavia E. Butler
Bloodchild (ebook)
Lillith's Brood (kindle)
Parable of the Sower (ebook)
Parable of the Talents (ebook)
Unexpected Stories (kindle)
Richard Butner
The Adventurists
David Byrne
How Music Works (audio)


Meg Cabot
Abandon (audio)
Italo Calvino
Invisible Cities (kindle)
t zero
The Watcher and Other Stories
Bill Campbell, ed
Sunspot Jungle (ebook)
Sunspot Jundle vol 2 (kindle)
Bill Campbell, David Brame and Damian Duffy
Baaaad Muthaz (ebook)
Bill Campbell and Edward Austin Hall, eds
Mothership: Tales from Afrofuturism and Beyond (kindle)
Ramsey Campbell
Midnight Sun (kindle)
Micha Cardenas
Atoms Never Touch
Jacqueline Carey
One Hundred Ablutions (ebook)
M. R. Carey Someone Like Me (kindle)
Peter Carey
Collected Stories
Oscar and Lucinda
C. Robert Cargill
Queen of Dark Things (kindle)
Fred Carmichael
Murder on the Rerun
Irin Carmon & Shana Knizhnik
Notorious RBG (kindle)
John Carnell, ed
New Writings in SF 1
New Writings in SF 5
New Writings in SF 6
Gail Carriger
Timeless (kindle)
Jonathan Carroll
After Silence (and kindle)
Bathing the Lion
Black Cocktail
Bones of the Moon
A Child Across the Sky
The Crow's Dinner (kindle)
From the Teeth of Angels
The Ghost in Love
Glass Soup
The Heidelberg Cylinder
Kissing the Beehive (and kindle)
The Land of Laughs
The Marriage of Sticks
Mr. Breakfast
Outside the Dog Museum
The Panic Hand
Sleeping in Flame
Teaching the Dog to Read (kindle)
Voice of Our Shadow
White Apples
The Woman who Married a Cloud
The Wooden Sea
Raphael Carter
The Fortunate Fall
Melissa Caruso
The Obsidian Tower (kindle)
Kyle Cassidy
This is What a Librarian Looks Like
Adam-Troy Castro
Her Husband's Hands (ebook)
Willa Cather
My Antonia (audible)
One of Ours (kindle)
Shari Caudron
Who Are you People?
Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza and Francesco Cavalli-Sforza
The Great Human Diasporas
Liberty Annual 2008-2012 (ebook)
Margaret Cezair-Thompson
The Pirate's Daughter (ebook)
Michael Chabon
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
Maps and Legends (kindle)
Shannon Chakraborty
The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi
Becky Chambers
The Galaxy, and the Ground Within
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet
A Psalm for the Wild-Built
Record of a Spaceborn Few
To be Taught, If Fortunate (kindle)
Sarah Champion,ed
Disco Biscuits
Vajra Chandrasekera
The Saint of Bright Doors
Henry Chang
Chinatown Beat (kindle)
Kate Charlesworth, John Gribbin
The Cartoon History of Time
Blake Charlton
Suzy McKee Charnas
The Vampire Tapestry
Georges-Olivier Chateaureynaud
A Life on Paper (ebook)
Jeannie Cheatham
Meet Me with Your Black Drawers On
Mike Chen
A Beginning at the End (kindle)
Lina Chern
Play the Fool
Ted Chiang
The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate (ebook)
Stories of Your Life
Richard T. Chizmar
A Long December (ebook)
Zen Cho
The Order of Pure Moon Reflected in Water (kindle)
Yoon Choi
Johnnie Christmas & Tamra Bonvillain
Firebug (ebook)
Lucy Christopher
Stolen (audio)
Michael Cisco
The Traitor (ebook)
The Tyrant (ebook)
C. L. Clark
The Unbroken (kindle)
P. Djeli Clark
The Black God's Drums (kindle)
Ring Shout (kindle)
Neil Clarke & Sean Wallace, eds
Claresworld: Year Three (kindle)
Susanna Clarke
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell
Zig Zag Claybourne
Afro Puffs are the Antennae of the Universe (ebook)
The Brothers Jetstream: Leviathan (ebook)
Jo Clayton
Skeen's Leap (ebook)
Hal Clement
Half Life
Ernest Cline
Ready Player One
Tom Clynes
The Boy Who Played with Fusion (ebook)
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Between the World and Me (kindle)
The Water Dancer (kindle)
Andrei Codrescu
Casanova in Bohemia (kindle)
Genevieve Cogman
The Burning Page
The Invisible Library
The Masked City
Susann Cokal
Breath and Bones (ebook)
Nick Cole
The Old Man and the Wasteland (kindle)
Teju Cole
Known and Strange Things
Kenneth R. Coleman
Dangerous Subjects
Wanda Coleman
Native in a Strange Land
Eoin Colfer
Artemis Fowl (kindle)
Rick Collignon
The Journal of Antonio Montoya (ebook)
Suzanne Collins
The Hunger Games Trilogy (kindle)
Marian Coman
Fingers and Other Fantastic Stories (kindle)
Ally Condie
Matched (kindle)
Karen Connelly
The Lizard Cage (kindle)
Harry Connolly
Bad Little Girls Die Horrible Deaths (kindle)
Darwyn Cooke
Parker: Slayground (ebook)
Parker: The Hunter (ebook)
Parker: The Outfit (ebook)
Parker: The Score (ebook)
Brittney Cooper
Eloquent Rage (kindle)
Robert Coover
John's Wife
James S. A. Corey
Abaddon's Gate
Auberon (kindle)
Babylon's Ashes
Caliban's War
Cibola Burn
Leviathan Falls
Leviathan Wakes
The Mercy of Gods
Nemesis Games
Persepolis Rising
The Sins of Our Fathers (kindle)
Tiamat's Wrath
The Vital Abyss (kindle)
Blaise Corvin
Trojan Nightmare (audio)
Colin Cotterill
The Motion Picture Teller
Douglas Coupland
Generation X
T. Thorn Coyle
To Raise a Clenched Fist to the Sky (ebook)
To Wrest Our Bodies from the Fire (ebook)
John Coyne, ed
Living on the Edge
George Crane
Bones of the Master
Scott Cronin
The Orphans of Earth (kindle)
Yahtzee Croshaw
Jam (ebook)
Mogworld (ebook)
Sloane Crosley
The Best American Travel Writing 2011 (kindle)
Blake Crouch
Pines (kindle)
John Crowley
Peter Crowther, ed
Bernard Boyce Bennington & the American Dream (kindle)
Cliff Rhodes & the Most important Journey (kindle)
Front-Page McGuffin & the Greatest Story Never told (kindle)
The Land at the End of the Working Day (kindle)
Jennine Capo Crucet
Make Your Home Among Strangers
R. Crumb
R. Crumb's Heroes of Blues, Jazz & Country
M. Allen Cunningham
The Green age of Asher Witherow (ebook)
Helen Czerski
Storm in a Teacup
David Czuchlewski
The Muse Asylum


Christelle Dabos
A Winter's Promise
Roald Dahl
Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life
The Best of
Tales of the Unexpected
Romeo Dallaire
Shake Hands with the Devil
David Damrosch
Around the World in 80 Books
Tsitsi Dangarembga
Nervous Conditions
Ezra Clayton Daniels
Upgrade Soul (ebook)
Ezra Clayton Daniels & Ben Passmore
BTTM FDRS (ebook)
Edwidge Danticat
The Best American Essays 2011 (kindle)
Everything Inside (kindle)
Nick Danziger
Danziger's Travels
Ellen Datlow, ed
Body Shocks (ebook)
Digital Domains (ebook)
Lovecraft's Monsters (ebook)
The Monstrous (ebook)
Rjurik Davidson
The Library of Forgotten Books (kindle)
Paul Davies
The Goldilocks Enigma (ebook)
Robertson Davies
The Deptford Trilogy
Angela Davis
Freedom is a Constant Struggle (kindle)
Barbara Davis
The Echo of Old Books (kindle)
Kelvin Davis
Notoriously Dapper (ebook)
Mike Davis
City of Quartz (ebook)
Natalie Zemon Davis
Trickster Travels
Tim Davys
Amberville (kindle)
Richard Dawkins
A Devil's Chaplain (ebook)
Louis De Bernieres
Birds without Wings
Aliette De Bodard
In the Vanishers' Place (ebook)
Kelly Sue DeConnick et al
Bitch Planet vol 1 (ebook)
Samuel R. Delany
Babel-17 (kindle)
The Einstein Intersection
Neveryona (ebook)
Return toNeveryona (ebook)
Michael de Larrabeiti
Across the Dark Metropolis
The Borribles
The Borribles Go for Broke
Leila del Duca
Afar (ebook)
Don DeLillo
Underworld (kindle)
Charles de Lint
The Blue Girl
Dreams Underfoot
Spirits in the Wires
The Very Best of (kindle)
Alan DeNiro
Skinny Dipping in the Lake of the Dead
Denise Dennis & Susan Willmarth
Black History for Beginners (ebook)
Bradley Denton
The Conflagration Artist
One Day Closer to Death
Jo Dereske
Bookmarked to Die (kindle)
Carolina de Robertis
The Gods of Tango
Hernando de Soto
The Mystery of Capital
Yamuna Devi
Lord Krishna's Cuisine
Marq de Villiers
Water: The Fate of Our Most Precious Resource (ebook)
Philip K. Dick
The Divine Invasion (kindle)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick (kindle)
Eye in the Sky (kindle)
The Man in the High Castle (kindle)
The Penultimate Truth (kindle)
The Transmigration of Timothy Archer (kindle)
Seth Dickinson
The Monster Baru Cormorant (kindle)
Paul Di Filippo
A Mouthful of Tongues
A Princess of the Linear Jungle (kindle)
Roadside Bodhisattva (kindle)
The Steampunk Trilogy
Dilman Dila
The Future God of Love (kindle)
Grace L Dillon, ed
Walking the Clouds
Matt Dinniman
Dungeon Crawler Carl (kindle)
Thomas M. Disch
The Wall of America (ebook)
Carl Djeriassi
The Bourbaki Gambit
Cory Doctorow
Attack Surface
Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom (and audio)
The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow (kindle)
Homeland (and audio)
Information Doesn't Want to be Free (audio)
The Internet Con (ebook)
Lawful Interception (audio)
Little Brother (ebook)
The Lost Cause
Pirate Cinema (ebook)
Radicalized (kindle)
Anthony Doerr
Cloud Cuckoo Land
Artur Domoslawski
Ryszard Kapuscinski (ebook)
Nerine Dorman
Lost Children (kindle)
Terra Incognita (kindle)
Tim Dorsey
Atomic Lobster (kindle)
Julie Doucet
The Madame Paul Affair (ebook)
Scott Douglas
Quiet, Please
Terry Dowling
Clowns at Midnight (kindle)
Gardner Dozois, ed
Galactic Empires
Roads Not Taken
Litsa Dremousis
Altitude Sickness (kindle)
William Drury
Norton I:Emperor of the United States
Clare Dudman
One Day the Ice Will Reveal All Its Dead
Tananarive Due
The Black Rose (kindle)
My Soul to Keep (kindle)
Damian Duffy and John Jennings
Octavia E. Buter's Kindred (and ebook)
Octavia E. Butler's Parable of the Sower (and ebook)
John Dufresne
Love Warps the Mind a Little
Requiem, Mass.
The Way That Water Enters Stone
John Dunning
Booked to Die


Brandon Eaton, Tony Vargas & Juan Samu
M.A.S.K. vol 1 (ebook)
David Ebenbach
How to Mars (ebook)
Umberto Eco
Baudolino (audio)
Foucault's Pendulum
The Name of the Rose
Robert Edric
The Mermaids (kindle)
Esi Edugyan
Washington Black (audio)
Terah Edun
Blades of Illusion (ebook)
Blades of Magic (ebook)
Bob Edwards
A Voice in the Box (kindle)
G. Thomas Edwards and Carlos A. Schwantes, eds
Experiences in a Promised Land
Greg Egan
The Clockwork Rocket (kindle)
Dark Integers and other Stories
Our Lady of Chernobyl
Sleep and the Soul (kindle)
Timothy Egan
The Big Burn (kindle)
The Good Rain
Dave Eggers, ed
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2004
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2006
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2007
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2010
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2011 (kindle)
The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2012 (kindle)
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (audio)
Janice Eidus
The Celibacy Club
Albert Einstein
Essays in Science (ebook)
Amal El-Mohtar
The Honey Month (ebook)
Meg Elison
Big Girl
The Book of the Unnamed Midwife
Kate Elliott
Jaran (ebook)
Richard Ellis
No Turning Back (ebook)
Harlan Ellison
Can & Can'tankerous (ebook)
Dangerous Visions #2
Deathbird Stories (ebook)
The Essential Ellison
Gentleman Junkie (kindle)
Harlan Ellison's Watching (kindle)
The Other Glass Teat (kindle)
Phoenix Without Ashes (ebook)
Stalking the Nightmare (kindle)
The Top of the Volcano (ebook)
Roger Elwood, ed
Invasion of the Robots
Carol Emshwiller
Report to the Men's Club (ebook)
The Secret City (ebook)
J. S. Emuakpor
Queen of Zazzau (ebook)
Tan Twan Eng
The Garden of Evening Mists
Nicole C. Engard
Library Mashups (kindle)
James Enge
Travellers' Rest (kindle)
Garth Ennis
The Boys Vol 5: Herogasm (ebook)
Steven Erikson
Bauchelain and Korbal Broach (ebook)
The Bonehunters (ebook)
Crack'd Pot Trail (ebook)
The Crippled God (ebook)
Deadhouse Gates (ebook)
Dust of Dreams (ebook)
Fall of Light (ebook)
Fiends of Nightmaria (ebook)
Forge of Darkness (ebook)
Gardens of the Moon (kindle)
The God is Not Willing (ebook)
House of Chains (ebook)
Memories of Ice (ebook)
Midnight Tides (ebook)
Reaper's Gale (ebook)
Toll the Hounds (ebook)
The Wurms of Blearmouth (ebook)
Andreas Eschbach
Lord of All Things (kindle)
Marc Estrin
The Good Doctor Guillotin (ebook)
Joe Eszterhas
American Rhapsody
Percival Everett
James (audio)
The Trees


Edward Falco
Wolf Point (ebook)
L. L. Farmer
Black Borne (ebook)
Stefan Fatsis
Word Freak
Minister Faust
From the Notebooks of Dr. Brain
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
River Cottage Veg
Lucien Febvre and Henri-Jean Martin
The Coming of the Book
Will Ferguson
Hokkaido Highway Blues
Edward L. Ferman
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction 15th Series
Tim Ferris
The 4-Hour Chef (kindle)
Jasper Fforde
The Big Over Easy
The Constant Rabbit
The Eyre Affair
The Fourth Bear
The Last Dragonslayer
Red Side Story
Shades of Grey
Joshua Fialkov
The Bunker Vol 1 (ebook)
Wayne Fields
The Past Leads a Life of Its Own
M.J. Fievre
Raising Confident Black Kids (ebook)
Sheila Finch
Reading the Bones (ebook)
Jess Fink
We Can Fix It (ebook)
Wlfram Fleischhauer
Fatal Tango (kindle)
Eric Flint
1632 (audio)
Chynna Clugston Flores
Blue Monday 1 (ebook)
Blue Monday 2 (ebook)
Blue Monday 3 (ebook)
Scooter Girls (ebook)
Michael Flynn
Jonathan Safran Foer
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (kindle)
Aliza Fogelson
The Lending Library (kindle)
Phil & Kaja Foglio
Agatha H and the Airship City (kindle)
Jeffrey Ford
Big Dark Hole
A Natural History of Hell
John M. Ford
The Last Hot Time
Kelli Jo Ford
Crooked Hallelujah (kindle)
E. M. Forster
A Passage to India (kindle)
Eugie Foster
Mortal Clay, Stone Heart (kindle)
Returning My Sister's Face (kindle)
Karen Joy Fowler
The Science of Herself (ebook)
What I Didn't See and Other Stories (ebook)
Rose Fox & Daniel Jose Older, eds
Long Hidden
Dan Franck
Diana Pharaoh Francis
Path of Fate (ebook)
Thaisa Frank
Heidegger's Glasses (kindle)
Seth Fried
The Great Frustration (kindle)
Betty Friedan
The Fountain of Age
Gregory Frost
Attack of the Jazz Giants
Carlos Fuentes
The Campaign
Laura Furman, Elinore Standard


Diana Gabaldon
Dragonfly in Amber (kindle)
Outlander (kindle)
Ofir Touche Gafla
The World of the End
Sarah Gailey
Just Like Home
River of Teeth (kindle)
Upright Women Wanted
Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett
Good Omens (plus audio)
Eduardo Galeano
Hunter of Stories
Sean Gandert
Lost in Arcadia (kindle)
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Collected Stories
Love in the Time of Cholera
Of Love and Other Demons
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Rudy Ch. Garcia
The Closet of Discarded Dreams (ebook)
Matt Gardner & Rashad Doucet
Alabaster Shadows (ebook)
Simon Garfield
On the Map
Richard Garfinkle
All of an Instant
Ross Gay
The Book of Delights (kindle)
Roxane Gay
Difficult Women (kindle)
Abby Geni
The Last Animal (kindle)
David Gerrold
Van C. Gessel and Tomone Matsumoto, eds
The Showa Anthology
Keith Gessen
Diary of a Very Bad Year (ebook)
Amitav Ghosh
The Calcutta Chromosome
Stella Gibbons
Cold Comfort Farm
Miles Gibson
Dancing with Mermaids
William Gibson
Agency (kindle)
Archangel (ebook)
William Gibson, Bruce Sterling
The Difference Engine
Megan Giddings
Lakewood (audio)
Joel Christian Gill
Fights (ebook)
Melanie Gillman
As the Crow Flies (ebook)
Smbitten (ebook)
Carolyn Ives Gilman
Halfway Human (kindle)
Isabel Glass
The Divided Crown
James Gleick
Chaos (ebook)
Genius (ebook)
Molly Gloss
Nicole Glover
The Conductors
The Undertakers (kindle)
Seth Godin
Poke the Box (kindle)
We are All Weird (kindle)
Jaymee Goh & Joyce Chng, eds
The Sea is Ours (kindle)
Marita Golden
Wide Circumference of Love (ebook)
William Goldman
The Princess Bride
Lisa Goldstein
The Alchemist's Door
Daily Voices
Dark Cities Underground
Ivory Apples (ebook)
The Red Magician
Travellers in Magic
E. H. Gombrich
A Little History of the World (kindle)
Agnes Gomillion
The Record Keeper
Larry Gonick, Art Huffman
The Cartoon Guide to Physics
Timothy Good
Earth: An Alien Enterprise (ebook)
Jeff Goodell
How to Cool the Planet (ebook)
Terry Goodkind
Wizard's First Rule (ebook)
Jason Goodwin
A Time for Tea
Kathleen Ann Goonan
Light Music
Mississippi Blues
Queen City Jazz (kindle)
This Shared Dream
Adam Gopnik
The Best American Essays 2008
Elliott J. Gorn
Let the People See (kindle)
J. Richard Gott
Time Travel in Einstein's Universe (ebook)
Stephen Jay Gould
Bully for Brontosaurus
The Flamingo's Smile
Steven Gould
Jumper (ebook)
Leslie Gourse
Louis' Children
Mira Grant
Blackout (kindle)
Coming to You Live (kindle)
Countdown (kindle)
Deadline (kindle)
Feed (kindle)
Final Girls (ebook)
How Green This Land, How Blue This Sea (kindle)
Into the Drowning Deep (kindle)
Kingdom of Needle and Bone (kindle)
Please Do Not Taunt the Octopus (kindle)
Rolling in the Deep (kindle)
San Diego 2014: The Last Stand of the California Browncoats (kindle)
Devin Grayson et al
Omni #1 (ebook)
Daryl Gregory
Afterparty (audible)
Unpossible (kindle)
We are All Completely Fine (ebook)
Dick Gregory
Defining Moments in Black History
Alison Green
Ask a Manager (kindle)
Jen Green & Sarah Lefanu, eds
Despatches from the Frontiers of the Female Mind
John Green
The Fault in our Stars (kindle)
Martin Greenberg, ed
The Way it Wasn't
Graham Green
The End of the Affair (audible)
Jeff Greenwald
The Size of the World
John Gribbin, Marcus Chown
Double Planet
Brenda Griffing
Power of Protest (ebook)
Nicola Griffith
Jon Courtenay Grimwood
Ken Grimwood
Chuck Grossart
The Gemini Effect (kindle)
Lev Grossman
The Magicians
Sara Gruen
Water for Elephants (audible)
Rob Guillory & Taylor Wells
Farmhand vol 1 (ebook)
Paula Guran
After the End (ebook)
Mermaids and Other Mysteries of the Deep (ebook)
New Cthulhu (ebook)
New Cthulhu 2 (ebook)
Obsession (ebook)
Time Travel: Recent Trips (ebook)
Warrior Women (ebook)
Witches: Wicked, Wild & Wonderful (ebook)
The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror: 2015 (ebook)
The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Novellas: 2015 (ebook)
Zombies: More Recent Dead (ebook)
Kent Gustavson
Blind But Now I See (kindle)
Bill Gutman
Duke: The Musical Life of Duke Ellington (kindle)


Margaret Peterson Haddix
Found (audio)
Lisa Haines
Small Acts of Sex and Electricity (ebook)
Andrea Hairston
Mindscape (ebook)
Redwood & Wildfire (kindle)
Joe Haldeman
The Accidental Time Machine
Kerstin Hall
The Border Keeper
John Maxwell Hamilton
Casanova was a Book Lover
Laurell K. Hamilton
A Kiss of Shadows (kindle)
Masha Hamilton
The Distance Between Us (ebook)
Peter F. Hamilton
The Abyss Beyond Dreams (kindle)
The Dreaming Void
Judas Unchained
Manhattan in Reverse (kindle)
Pandora's Star
The Temporal Void
Josh Hanagarne
The World's Strongest Librarian
Elizabeth Hand
Black Light (ebook)
A Haunting on the Hill
Saffron and Brimstone (ebook)
Wylding Hall (ebook)
Thich Nhat Hanh
the Art of Mindfulness (kindle)
Kristin Hannah
The Nightingale (audible)
Nick Harkaway
The Gone-Away World
Deborah Harkness
A Discovery of Witches (kindle)
Kelly Harms
The Overdue Life of Amy Byler (kindle)
Michael S. Harper & Anthony Walton, eds
The Vintage Book of African American Poetry
Charlaine Harris
Grave Sight (audio)
Clare Winger Harris
The Artificial Man and Other Stories
Joanne Harris
Blackberry Wine
Tamara Winfrey Harris
The Sisters are Alright (ebook and audio)
M. John Harrison
Signs of Life
Alix E. Harrow
The Once and Future Witches
Starling House
The Ten Thousand Doors of January
Aidan Hartley
The Zanzibar Chest
Ivor W. Hartmann, ed
AfroSF: Science Fiction by African Writers (kindle)
Afro SF V3 (ebook)
John G. Hartness
Genesis (kindle)
David G. Hartwell, ed
The Science Fiction Century
The Sword & Sorcery Anthology (ebook)
Samantha Harvey
Scott Hawkins
The Library at Mount Char (kindle)
Bill Hayes
Sleep Demons (and ebook)
Leah Hayes
Not Funny Ha-Ha (ebook)
RR Haywood
Extracted (kindle)
Maria Dahvana Headley and Kat Howard
The End of the Sentence (ebook)
Raymond J. Healy, ed
New Tales of Space and Time
Kevin Hearne
The Purloined Poodle (ebook)
Chip & Dan Heath
The Myth of the Garage (kindle)
Gretchen Heckmann, Leigh Beadon, Michael Constanza and Michael Masnick, eds
Working Futures (kindle)
Eric Hedman
The Jeweled Cloud (kindle)
Robert L. Heilbroner
The Worldly Philosophers
Robert A. Heinlein
Expanded Universe
Joseph Heller
Mark Helprin
In Sunlight and in Shadow
Winter's Tale
Frank Herbert
Unpublished Stories (ebook)
Richard Herley
The Penal Colony (kindle)
Carlos Hernandez
The Assimilated Cuban's Guide to Quantum Santeria (ebook)
Gilbert Hernandez
Heartbreak Soup (ebook)
Jaime Hernandez
Maggie the Mechanic (ebook)
Mick Herron
Dolphin Junction
Jennifer Hershey, Tom Dupree, and Janna Silverstein, eds
Full Spectrum 5
Peter Hessler
Country Driving (kindle)
River Town
Kathy Hester
The Vegan Slow Cooker
Georgette Heyer
Cotillion (kindle)
Carl Hiaasen
Star Island (kindle)
Strip Tease (audio)
Jonathan Hickman
The Black Monday Murders vol 1 (ebook)
The Black Monday Murders vol 2 (ebook)
The Dying and the Dead (ebook)
The Nightly News (ebook)
Pilot Season: The Core (ebook)
A Red Mass for Mars (ebook)
Secret: Never Getting Caught (ebook)
Transhuman, vol 1 (ebook)
Jonathan Hickman and Nick Dragotta
East of West One (and ebook)
East of West Two (ebook)
East of West Three (ebook)
East of West Four (ebook)
East of West Five (ebook)
East of West Six (ebook)
East of West Seven (ebook)
East of West Eight (ebook)
East of West Nine (ebook)
East of West: The World (ebook)
Jonathan Hickman and Nick Pitarra
The Manhattan Projects 1 (and ebook)
The Manhattan Projects 2 (ebook)
The Manhattan Projects 3 (ebook)
The Manhattan Projects 4 (ebook)
The Manhattan Projects 5 (ebook)
The Manhattan Projects 6 (ebook)
The Red Wing (ebook)
Oscar Hijuelos
Mr. Ives' Christmas
A Simple Havana Melody
Joe Hill
The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2015
Horns (kindle)
Locke & Key, Vol 1 (ebook)
Locke & Key, Vol 2 (ebook)
Locke & Key, Vol 3 (ebook)
Locke & Key, Vol 4 (ebook)
Locke & Key, Vol 5 (ebook)
Locke & Key, Vol 6 (ebook)
NOS4A2 (kindle)
Strange Weather
Jim C. Hines
Imprinted (kindle)
Kitemaster and Other Stories (kindle)
The Legend of Jig Dragonslayer
Sister of the Hedge & Other Stories (kindle)
Terminal Uprising
Jim C. Hines & Mary Anne Mohanraj, eds
Invisible 3 (kindle)
Joyce Hinnefeld
Stranger Here Below (ebook)
Eric von Hippel
Democratizing Innovation (kindle)
Tobi Hirotaka
The Thousand Year Beach (ebook)
David Hirst
The Gun and the Olive Branch
Ada Hoffmann
The Outside (ebook & audio )
Nina Kiriki Hoffman
Permeable Borders (and kindle)
Ernest Hogan
High Aztech (ebook)
Smoking Mirror Blues
Rebecca J. Holden & Nisi Shawl
Strange Matings (kindle)
Billie Holiday
Lady Sings the Blues (kindle)
Jerry Holkins & Mike Krahulik
Attack of the Bacon Robots (ebook)
Epic Legends of the Magic Sword Kings (ebook)
Charlie N. Holmberg
The Paper Magician (kindle)
Julia Holmes
Meeks (kindle)
Tom Holt
Alexander at the World's End
The Walled Orchard
Odyssey (audible)
Antonia Honeywell
The Ship
bell hooks
Killing Rage
Nalo Hopkinson
Falling in Love with Hominids (ebook)
The Salt Roads (ebook)
Skin Folk (ebook)
Rich Horton
The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy 2015 (ebook)
Robert Hoskins, ed
Infinity One
Infinity Two
Saad Z. Hossain
Djinn City (and ebook)
Escape from Baghdad! (ebook)
The Gurkha and the Lord of Tuesday (kindle)
Jason Howard
Big Girls 1 (ebook)
Robert E. Howard
The Best of Robert E. Howard Vol 1 (kindle)
Hugh Howey
Sand (kindle)
Shift (kindle)
Silo (kindle)
Wool (kindle and audio)
S.L. Huang
The Water Outlaws (kindle)
Tanya Huff
Sing the Four Quarters (kindle)
The Wild Ways
Barry Hughart
The Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox (kindle)
Rhys Hughes
A New Universal History of Infamy
Sam Humphries & Caitlin Rose Boyle
Jonesy vol 1 (ebook)
Stephen Hunt
The Kingdom Beyond the Waves
Duong Thu Huong
Memories of a Pure Spring
Kameron Hurley
Apocalypse Nyx (ebook)
Empire Ascendant (kindle)
God's War (ebook)
Meet me in the Future (ebook)
The Mirror Empire (kindle)
The Stars are Legion (kindle)
Zora Neale Hurston
Dust Tracks on a Road
Their Eyes were Watching God (audible)
Charlie Huston
Already Dead (kindle)
Aldous Huxley
Brave New World


Joe Ide
Noel Ignatiev
How the Irish Became White
Christoph Irmscher
Louis Agassiz: Creator of American Science (ebook)
Raghavan Iyer
660 Curries


Benedict Jacka
Cursed (kindle)
Bruce A. Jacobs
Race Matters (ebook)
Harvey Jacobs
American Goliath
Madhur Jaffrey
World Vegetarian
P.D. James
The Children of Men
Nassem Jamnia
The Bruising of Qilwa (ebook)
Tiffany Jana & Michael Baran
Subtle Acts of Exlusion (ebook)
J. A. Jance
Hour of the Hunter (kindle)
N. K. Jemisin
The City We Became
The Fifth Season (and audible)
How Long 'Til Black Future Month
The Killing Moon (kindle)
The Obelisk Gate
The Stone Sky
The World We Make
K. W. Jeter
Farewell Horizontal (kindle)
Tiffany Jewell
This Book is Anti-Racist (ebook)
Liz Jobey, ed
The New Granta Book of Travel
Ian Johnson
Wild Grass
Kij Johnson
At the Mouth of the River of Bees (ebook)
The River Bank
Kimberli Johnson
Emiline: Knight in Training (ebook)
Mat Johnson & Warren Pleece
Incognegro (ebook)
Incognegro Renaissance (ebook)
Steven Johnson
Interface Culture
Gwyneth Jones
Grazing the Long Acre (kindle)
Kimberly Jones & Gilly Segal
I'm Not Dying with You Tonight (ebook)
LeRoi Jones
Blues People
Lucy Jones
The Big Ones (kindle)
Richard Glyn Jones
Love is Strange
Stephen Graham Jones
The Only Good Indians (kindle)
Tayari Jones
Silver Sparrow (and kindle)
Pete Jordan
Dishwasher (kindle)
Sebastian Junger
The Perfect Storm (kindle and audio)
Cristina Jurado
Alphaland (ebook)
Cristina Jurado and Lavie Tidhar, eds
The Apex Book of World SF 5 (ebook)
Justified Anciencts of Mu Mu
2023: A Trilogy (kindle)


Cynthia Kadohata
In the Heart of the Valley of Love
Richard Kadrey
Sandman Slim (kindle)
Janet Kagan
Hellspark (kindle)
Mirabile (kindle)
Okakura Kakuzo
The Book of Tea (kindle)
Michael Kandel
Captain Jack Zodiac
Kazuki Kaneshiro
Go (kindle)
Robert D. Kaplan
The Arabists
Warrior Politics
Guy Gavriel Kay
A Brightness Long Ago
Children of Earth and Sky
The Last Light of the Sun
The Lions of Al-Rassan
Lord of Emperors
River of Stars
Sailing to Sarantium
A Song for Arbonne
Under Heaven
Katty Kay & Claire Shipman
The Confidence Code (kindle)
Marvin Kaye, Parke Godwin
Rosalie Morales Kearns
Virgins & Tricksters (ebook)
Claire Keegan
Supriya Kelkar
Ahimsa (audio)
Marjorie B. Kellogg
Stuart Kells
The Library: A Catalogue of Wonders
James Patrick Kelly
Burn (ebook)
Look Into the Sun
James Patrick Kelly & John Kessel, eds
Digital Rapture
Rewired (ebook)
Mikki Kendall
Amazons, Abolitionists, and Activists (ebook)
Ibram X Kendi
Stamped from the Beginning (audio)
Ibram X. Kendi & Keisha N. Blain, eds
Four Hundred Souls
George Kennan
Tent Life in Siberia (kindle)
Kay Kenyon
Bright of the Sky (kindle)
Etgar Keret
The Bus Driver Who Wanted to Be God
Missing Kissinger
The Nimrod Flipout
Suddenly, A Knock on the Door
John Kessel
The Baum Plan for Financial Independence and other stories (kindle)
Intersections: The Sycamore Hill Anthology
Andrew Kessler
Martian Summer (ebook)
Greg Ketter, ed
Shelf Life
Daniel Keyes
The Touch
J. Gregory Keyes
The Briar King (kindle)
Tracy Kidder
The Best American Essays 1994
Strength in What Remains (kindle)
Sarah Kieffer
100 Cookies
Caitlin R. Kiernan
The Ape's Wife and Other Stories (ebook)
The Very Best of (ebook)
Garry Kilworth
Moby Jack & Other Tall Tales (kindle)
Bo-Young Kim
On the Origin of Species and Other Stories
Robin Wall Kimmerer
Braiding Sweetgrass (kindle)
Matt Kindt & Trevor Hairsine
Divinity (ebook)
Emily R. King
The Hundredth Queen (kindle)
Ross King
Stephen King
Cell (kindle)
The Eyes of the Dragon
The Gunslinger
On Writing
The Stand
Under the Dome (kindle)
The Wind Through the Keyhole
T. Kingfisher
The Hollow Places (kindle)
A House with Good Bones (kindle)
Jackalope Wives (kindle)
A Wizard's Guide to Defensive Baking (kindle)
Wonder Engine (kindle)
Donald Kingsbury
The Moon Goddess and the Son
Ellen Klages
Passing Strange (kindle)
Portable Childhoods
Wicked Wonders
Rick Klaw
The Apes of Wrath (ebook)
Marko Kloos
Terms of Enlistment (kindle)
Jeffrey Kluger
TJ Klune
The House in the Cerulean Sea (kindle)
Zelda Knight & Ekpeki Oghenechovwe Donald, eds
Dominion (kindle)
Nicole Kornher-Stace
Jillian vs. Parasite Planet (ebook)
Elizbeth Kolbert, ed
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2009
Gerhard Kopf
There is No Borges
Elizabeth Kostova
The Swan Thieves (kindle)
William Kotzwinkle
Doctor Rat (kindle)
Mary Robinette Kowal
The Calculating Stars
The Fated Sky
The Relentless Moon
Word Puppets (ebook)
Kenneth Kramer
The Sacred Art of Dying
Nancy Kress
Act One (kindle)
AI Unbound (kindle)
After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall (ebook)
Beaker's Dozen
Fountain of Age (ebook)
Oaths and Miracles
Sea Change (ebook)
Yesterday's Kin (ebook)
Grace Krilanovich
The Orange Eats Creeps (audio)
Naomi Kritzer
Cat Pictures Please (kindle)
Comrade Grandmother and Other Stories (kindle)
Gift of the Winter King and Other Stories (kindle)
Robert Kroese
Mercury Falls (kindle)
Leena Krohn
Tainaron (ebook)
R. F. Kuang
The Dragon Republic (kindle)
The Poppy War (kindle)
Milan Kundera
Laughable Loves
Derek Kunsken
The Quantum Magician (and kindle)
Mark Kurlansky
Edible Stories
Katherine Kurtz
Camber of Culdi (ebook)
Lammas Night (ebook)
Nicole Givens Kurtz
Slaw (ebook)
Michael David Kwan
Things That Must Not Be Forgotten


Mercedes Lackey
Invasion: The Secret World Chronicle (ebook)
Mercedes Lackey & Rosemary Edghill
Arcanum 101 (ebook)
Mur Lafferty
Ghost Train to New Orleans (kindle)
Merry Christmas from the Heartbreakers (kindle)
The Shambling Guide to New York City (kindle)
Six Wakes (kindle)
R.A. Lafferty
Nine Hundred Grandmothers
The RA Lefferty Fantastic Megapack (kindle)
Douglas Lain
Last Week's Apocalypse
Jay Lake, editor
METAtropolis: Cascadia (audible)
Claude Lalumiere
Noctures and Other Nocturnes (kindle)
Objects of Worship
Claude Lalumiere and Marty Halpern, eds
Karen Landsman
The Heart of the Circle (and ebook)
Sam Landstrom
MetaGame (kindle)
Sarah Langan
The Keeper (kindle)
Chapple Langemack
The Booktalker's Bible
Joe R. Lansdale
Black Hat Jack (ebook)
Bleeding Shadows (ebook)
Bullets and Fire (kindle)
Fender Lizards (ebook)
incident on and off a Mountain Road (kindle)
The Steel Valentine (kindle)
Tight Little Stitches in a Dead Man's Back (kindle)
David Lapham
The Strain Volume 1 (ebook)
Edward Laroche
The Warning vol 1 (ebook)
Reif Larsen
The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet
Hope Larson & Brittney Williams
Goldie Vance vol 1 (ebook)
Keith Laumer
The Star Treasure
Victor LaValle
The Changeling
Victor LaValle and John Joseph Adams
A People's Future of the United States
Victor LaValle and Dietrich Smith
Victor Lavalle's Destroyer (ebook)
Stephen Lawhead
The Paradise War (kindle)
Candida Lawrence
Vanishing (ebook)
Mark Lawrence
One Word Kill (kindle)
Camara Laye
The Dark Child
Kiese Laymon
Heavy (kindle)
William Least Heat Moon
Blue Highways
Celestial Mechanic
Ann Leckie
Ancillary Mercy (kindle)
Ancillary Sword (kindle)
Provenance (kindle)
The Raven Tower (kindle)
Translation State
Harper Lee
To Kill a Mockingbid
Min Jin Lee
Victoria Lee
The Fever King (kindle)
Yoon Ha Lee
Conservation of Shadows (ebook)
Ninefox Gambit (kindle)
Ursula K. Le Guin
The Birthday of the World (kindle)
The Found and the Lost (kindle)
The Lathe of Heaven
The Left Hand of Darkness
The Unreal and the Real vol 2
A Wizard of Earthsea
Stina Leicht
Of Blood and Honey (kindle)
Stephen Leigh
The Shape of Silence (kindle)
The Woods (kindle)
R.B. Lemberg
The Four Profound Weaves (ebook)
The Unbalancing (ebook)
Jeff Lemire
Essex County (ebook)
Lost Dogs (ebook)
Madeleine L'Engle
The Sphinx at Dawn (ebook)
J. Robert Lennon
The Funnies
Jonathan Lethem
The Arrest (kindle)
David D. Levine
The Adventures of Arabella Ashby (kindle)
Ariel Levy, ed
The Best American Essays 2015 (kindle)
David G. Lewis
Tribal Histories of the Willamette Valley (kindle)
John Lewis, Andrew Aydin and Nate Powell
March: Book One (ebook)
March: Book Two (ebook)
Michael Lewis
Boomerang (kindle)
Moneyball (kindle)
Fritz Lieber
Gather, Darkness! (ebook)
Thomas Ligotti
The Agonizing Resurrection of Victor Frankenstein (ebook)
Hwei Lim & Emma Rios
Mirror: The Mountain (ebook)
Mirror: The Nest (ebook)
Scott Lindenbaum
Electric Literature No 2 (kindle)
Kelly Link
The Book of Love
Get in Trouble
Magic for Beginners (ebook)
Pretty Monsters
Stranger Things Happen (ebook)
(edited by)
Kelly Link and Gavin J. Grant, ets
David Liss
The Peculiarities (ebook)
Ken Liu
The Grace of Kings (kindle)
The Hidden Girl and Other Stories (audio)
Marjorie Liu
The Tangleroot Palace (ebook)
Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda
Monstress 1 (ebook)
Monstress 2 (ebook)
Monstress 3 (ebook)
Monstress 4 (ebook)
Monstress 5 (ebook)
Monstress 6 (ebook)
Wanda Smalls Lloyd
Coming Full Circle (kindle)
Vyvyane Loh
Breaking the Tongue
Barry Lopez
Winter Count (kindle)
Karen Lord
New Worlds, Old Ways (ebook)
Redemption in Indigo (kindle)
Audre Lorde
Sister Outsider (kindle)
Matthew Loux
SideScrollers (ebook)
James Lovegrove
Diversifications (kindle)
Imagined Slights (kindle)
Mary S. Lovell
A Rage to Live
Lois Lowry
The Giver (kindle)
John Lutz
Urge to Kill (kindle)
Jim Lynch
The Highest Tide (kindle)


Kari Maaren
Weave a Circle Round
Rose Macaulay
The Towers of Trebizond
R. A. MacAvoy and Nancy L. Palmer
Albatross (ebook)
Carmen Maria Machado, ed
The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2019
Ken MacLeod
The Cassini Division
The Corporation Wars Trilogy (kindle)
Engine City (kindle)
Giant Lizards from Another Star
Learning the World
The Sky Road
The Stone Canal
Gregory Maguire
Egg & Spoon (audible)
James Mahaffey
Atomic Accidents (ebook)
Layne Maheu
Song of the Crow (ebook)
Malaclypse the Younger
Principia Discordia
Jane Mallison
Book Smart
Andreas Malm
How to Blow Up a Pipeline (ebook)
David Malouf
Remembering Babylon
Jason Quinn Malott
The Evolution of Shadows (ebook)
Nick Mamatas
The People's Republic of Everything (ebook)
The Planetbreaker's Son (ebook)
Emily St. John Mandel
The Glass Hotel
The Singer's Gun (ebook)
Frankie Manning and Cynthia R. Millman
Frankie Manning: Ambassador of Lindy Hop
Lisa Mantchev
Ticker (kindle)
David Margolick
Strange Fruit
MD Marie et al
Vindication vol 1 (ebook)
Louise Marley
The Child Goddess (ebook)
Philip Marsden
The Crossing Place
Andrew Marshall
The Trouser People
Anthony J. Martin
Dinosaurs without Bones (ebook)
George R. R. Martin
Card Sharks
Doorways (ebook)
Fire & Blood
Hunter's Run (kindle)
Marked Cards
Arkady Martine
A Memory Called Empire (kindle)
Rose/House (kindle)
A. Lee Martinez
Emperor Mollusk versus The Sinister Brain (kindle)
Brian Maruca & Jim Rugg
Street Angel 1 (ebook)
David Marusek
Getting to Know You
My Morning Glory (kindle)
She Was Good -- She Was Funny (kindle)
Lisa Mason
Zachary Mason
Void Star
Elan Mastai
All Our Wrong Todays
Mark Mathabane
Kaffir Boy
Matthew Mather
Childplay (kindle)
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I am Legend (kindle)
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Moon and Sixpence (kindle)
Everina Maxwell
Winter's Orbit
Julian May
Jack the Bodiless
Eric Mayer & Mary Reed
One for Sorry (kindle)
Eunice & Sabrina Mayle
Be the Change (ebook)
Paul J. McAuley
Child of the River
City of the Dead (kindle)
Eternal Light
Red Dust
A very British History (kindle)
Paul J. McAuley & Kim Newman,ed
In Dreams
James McBride
Deacon King Kong (kindle)
The Good Lord Bird (kindle)
Miracle at St. Anna (kindle)
Guadalupe Garcia McCall
Summer of the Mariposas (ebook)
Robert McCammon
The Border (ebook)
The Hunter from the Woods (ebook)
I Travel by Night (ebook)
Colum McCann
Let the Great World Spin (kindle)
Jessica McCann
All Different Kinds of Free (kindle)
Cormac McCarthy
Blood Meridian (audio)
Lise McClendon
One O'Clock Jump (kindle)
Elizabeth McCoy
Queen of Roses (ebook)
J. M. McDermott
Never Knew Another (kindle)
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Cryptic (kindle)
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El Gavilan (kindle)
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Ares Express
Be My Enemy
The Best of (kindle)
The Broken Land
Cyberabad Days
The Dervish House
Empress of the Sun
Evolution's Shore
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Luna: New Moon
Luna: Wolf Moon
River of Gods
Sacrifice of Fools
Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone
Speaking in Tongues
Joseph McElroy
Todd McFarlane
Spawn Origins vol 1 (ebook)
Ted S. McGregor, jr & Anne McGregor
Inlander Histories vol 2 (kindle)
Seanan McGuire
Across the Green Grass Fields (kindle)
An Artificial Night (ebook)
Ashes of Honor (ebook)
The Brightest Fell (ebook)
Calculated Risks (ebook)
Chaos Choreography (ebook)
Chimes at Midnight (ebook)
Discount Armageddon (ebook)
Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day (kindle)
Full of Briars (ebook)
Half-Off Ragnarok (ebook)
Imaginary Numbers (ebook)
In the Shadow of Spindrift House (kindle)
Indexing (kindle)
A Killing Frost (ebook)
Late Eclipses (ebook)
Laughter at the Academy (kindle)
A Local Habitation (ebook)
Magic for Nothing (ebook)
Middlegame (kindle)
Midnight Blue-Light Special (ebook)
Night and Silence (ebook)
Once Broken Faith (ebook)
One Salt Sea (ebook)
Pocket Apocalypse (ebook)
The Proper Thing and Other Stories (kindle)
A Red-Rose Chain (ebook)
Rosemary and Rue (kindle)
That Ain't Witchcraft (ebook)
Tricks for Free (ebook)
The Unkindest Tide (ebook)
When Sorrows Come (ebook)
The Winter Long (ebook)
Maureen F. McHugh
After the Apocalypse (kindle)
Half the Day is Night
Will McIntosh
Soft Apocalypse (kindle)
William McKeen
Highway 61
Patricia A. McKillip
Dreams of Distant Shores (ebook)
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (ebook)
Robin McKinley
Beauty (ebook)
The Hero and the Crown (ebook)
Sunshine (ebook)
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Blues Dancing
Duncan McLean
Lone Star Swing
Sean McMullen
The Centurion's Empire
Larry McMurtry
Lonesome Dove
The Better of, volume 1
John Medina
Brain Rules (audio)
Anil Menon
The Beast with Nine Billion Feet (kindle)
Jeremy Mercer
Time Was Soft There
Martin Meredith
The Fate of Africa
Joanne Merriam
How to Live on Other Planets
Amy Meyerson
The Bookshop of Yesterdays
China Mieville
October (ebook)
Perdido Street Station (kindle)
Un Lun Dun
Keith Miller
Book of Fire (kindle)
Merle Miller
A Gay and Melancholy Sound (kindle)
Norma Miller, Evette Jensen
Swingin' at the Savoy: The Memoir of a Jazz Dancer
Sam J. Miller
Boys, Beasts & Men (ebook)
Walter M. Miller, Jr.
A Canticle for Leibowitz
David Mitchell
The Bone Clocks
Cloud Atlas
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet
Helen Mitsios, ed
New Japanese Voices
Elizabeth C. Mock
Shatter (kindle)
L.E. Modesitt, jr
Archform: Beauty
The Eternity Artifact
Judith Moffett
The Ragged World (and kindle)
Premee Mohamed
The Butcher of the Forest (kindle)
Marry Anne Mohanraj
The Stars Change (kindle)
Paul Monette
West of Yesterday, East of Summer (kindle)
Elizabeth Moon
Trading in Danger (kindle)
Michael Moorcock
The Best of (ebook)
Elric: the Stealer of Souls (kindle)
Alan Moore & Eddie Campbell
From Hell (ebook)
From Hell Companion (ebook)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlement vol 3 (ebook)
Nemo: Heart of Ice (ebook)
Nemo: River of Ghosts (ebook)
Nemo: The Roses of Berlin (ebook)
Christopher Moore
Bite Me
Bloodsucking Fiends
Coyote Blue
A Dirty Job
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The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove
Practical Demonkeeping
Razzmatazz (kindle & audible)
Sacre Bleu
Secondhand Souls
The Serpent of Venice
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The Stupidest Angel
You Suck
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Six Days in Cincinnati (ebook)
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Gods of Jade and Shadow (kindle)
Love and Other Poisons (ebook)
Mexican Gothic (kindle)
Signal to Noise (ebook)
Joyce Morgan & Conrad Walters
Journeys on the Silk Road (kindle)
Erin Morgenstern
The Starless Sea
Bradford Morrow, ed
James Morrow
The Asylum of Dr. Caligari (ebook)
Bible Stories for Adults
Bigfoot and the Bodhisattva (ebook)
Blameless in Abaddon
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City of Truth
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The Eternal Footman
Galapagos Regained
The Last Witchfinder
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Only Begotten Daughter
The Philosopher's Apprentice
Reality by Other Means
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Swatting at the Cosmos
This is the Way the World Ends
Towing Jehovah
The Wine of Violence
Walter Mosley, ed
Futureland (ebook & audible)
Dora Levy Mossanen
The Last Romanov (kindle)
Dow Mossman
the Stones of Summer
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Gideon the Ninth (kindle)
Harrow the Ninth (kindle)
Princess Floralinda and the Forty-Flight Tower (kindle)
Dipika Mukherjee
Shambala Junction (kindle)
Harry Mulisch
The Discovery of Heaven
Helen Mullane et al
Nicnevin and the Bloody Queen (ebook)
Liza Mundy
Code Girls (audio)
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Randall Munroe
What If (audible)
xkcd: volume 0 (ebook)
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Kafka on the Shore
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Men Without Women
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South of the Border, West of the Sun
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The Strange Library
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A Wild Sheep Chase
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
Pat Murphy
The City, Not Long After (kindle)
The Falling Woman (and kindle)
Points of Departure (kindle)
Women up to No Good


Sten Nadolny
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Azar Nafisi
Reading Lolita in Tehran
The Republic of Imagination (kindle)
Things I've Been Silent About (kindle)
Linda Nagata
Deception Well
Rebecca Nagle
By the Fire We Carry
Keiji Nakazawa
Barefoot Gen, Vol 1: A Cartoon S tory of Hiroshima (ebook)
John J. Nance
On Shaky Ground (ebook)
Benji Nate
Catboy (ebook)
Soseki Natsume
Botchan (kindle)
Sylvain Neuvel
A History of What Comes Next (kindle)
The Test (kindle)
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Four Lost Cities
The Future of Another Timeline
Stories are Weapons
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She's Such a Geek!
Emma Newman
Planetfall (kindle)
Celeste Ng
Everything I Never Told You
Jeannette Ng
Under the Pendulum Sun (ebook)
Viet Thanh Nguyen
The Committed
Audrey Niffenegger
Her Fearful Symmetry (kindle)
The Night Bookmobile
The Time Traveler's Wife
Veeraporn Nitiprapha
The Blind Earthworm in the Labyrinth (kindle)
Jai Nitz
Bring the Thunder vol 1 (ebook)
Larry Niven
A Gift from Earth
Lawrence Norfolk
Lempriere's Dictionary
Keenan Norris
Brother and the Dancer
Claire North
The End of the Day
Notes from the Burning Age (kindle)
Sweet Harmony (kindle)
Ryan North, et al, eds
Machine of Death (ebook)
To Be or Not to Be (ebook)
Solomon Northrup
Twelve Years a Slave (kindle)
Andre Norton
The Defiant Agents (kindle)
The Jargoon Pard (kindle)
The Prince Commands (kindle)
Sargasso of Space (kindle)
Arlisha Norwood
Black Heroes (ebook)
Naomi Novik
Black Powder War (kindle)
Buried Deep
A Deadly Education (kindle)
Empire of Ivory (kindle)
The Golden Enclaves (kindle)
His Majesty's Dragon (kindle)
The Last Graduate (kindle)
Throne of Jade (kindle)
Deborah Noyes
Captivity (ebook)
Jody Lynn Nye
Advanced Mythology (audible)


Barack Obama
A Promised Land (audio)
Michelle Obama
Becoming (audio)
Tea Obreht
The Tiger's Wife
Claire O'Dell
A Study in Honor (kindle)
Michael Avon Oeming
87 Voltz: the Dead Girl (ebook)
The After Realm (ebook)
Jenny Offill
Dept. of Speculation (audible)
Nnedi Okorafor
Binti (kindle)
Binti: Home (kindle)
Kabu-Kabu (and ebook)
Remote Control (kindle)
Jamilla Okubo
Tales of East Africa (ebook)
Patricks O'Leary
51 (ebook)
Daniel Jose Older
Salsa Nocturna (ebook)
Shadowshaper (kindle)
Malka Older
...And Other Disasters
The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles (kindle)
The Mimicking of Known Successses
Lance Olsen
Time Famine
Ijeoma Oluo
Mediocre (audio)
So You Want to Talk About Race
Deji Bryce Olukotun
After the Flare (ebook)
Joseph O'Neill
Land Under England
Tochi Onyebuchi
Goliath (kindle)
Riot Baby (kindle)
Rebecca Ore
Gaia's Toys
Dael Orlandersmith
Until the Flood (audible)
Susan Orlean
The Library Book
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The Bridge (kindle)
Officers Weep (kindle)
Orientation (kindle)
Temporary Stories (kindle)
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Nineteen Eighty-Four
Peter F. Ostwald
Glenn Gould: The Ecstasy and Tragedy of Genius


George Packer
The Village of Waiting
Thomas Pakenham
The Scramble for Africa
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Fight Club (audio)
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The Map of the Sky (kindle)
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Urbis Morpheos (kindle)
Susan Palwick
All worlds are Real (kindle)
The Fate of Mice (ebook)
Lynn Pan
Sons of the Yellow Emperor
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The Trouble with Gravity
Dan Parent
Archie: a Rock 'n' Roll Romance (ebook)
Dan Parent & Bill Galvan
The Archies & Josie and the Pussycats (ebook)
K. J. Parker
Academic Exercises (ebook)
Patrick Parrinder, ed
Adventures in Space (kindle)
Rick Partlow
Gates of Hell (audio)
Ben Passmore
Your Black Friend (ebook)
Ann Patchett
Bel Canto (kindle)
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The Angel Experiment (kindle)
Orlando Patterson
Laline Paull
The Bees (kindle)
The Ice
Milorad Pavic
Landscape Painted with Tea
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Book Lust to Go
More Book Lust
Dr. Kimberly Brown Pellum
Black Women in Science (ebook)
George Pendle
Strange Angel (ebook)
L. Penelope
Angelborn (ebook)
Anne C. Perry and Jared Shurin, eds
The Lowest Heaven
Bill Peters
Maverick Jetpants in the City of Quality
Louise Phillips
The Doll's House (kindle)
Stephanie Phillips
A Man Among Ye 1 (ebook)
Alexandra Pierce and Alisa Krasnostein, eds
Letters to Tiptree (kindle)
Alexandra Pierce and Mimi Mondal, eds
Luminescent Threads (kindle)
Marge Piercy
Gone to Soldiers (kindle)
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Elfquest: The Final Quest Volume 1 (ebook)
Steven Pinker
The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2004
Daniel Pinkwater
Adventures of a Dwergish Girl (ebook)
Crazy in Poughkeepsie (ebook)
Fish Whistle (kindle)
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A Song for a New Day
Sooner or Later Everything Falls Into the Sea (kindle)
We are Satellites (kindle)
Ed Piskor
Wizzywig (ebook)
Playboy editors
The Playboy Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy
David Plotz, ed
Backstabbers, Crazed Geniuses, and Animals We Hate
Good Book (kindle)
Frederik Pohl
Day Million
The Other End of Time
The Second IF Reader of Science Fiction
Mark Jude Poirier
Neal Pollack
Stretch: The Unlikely Making of a Yoga Dude (ebook)
Maria Popova & Claudia Bedrick, eds
A Velocity of Being
Alexander Porrello
The Small Planet (kindle)
Andrea Portes
Hick (ebook)
Charles Portis
True Grit (audio)
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A Question of Upbringing (kindle)
Padgett Powell
Typical (kindle)
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Galatea 2.2
Plowing the Dark
The Time of Our Singing
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The Anubis Gates
The Bible Repairman and Other Stories (kindle)
Down and Out in Purgatory (ebook)
Nobody's Home (ebook)
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Salvage and Demolition (ebook)
The Skies Discrowned and An Epitaph in Rust (kindle)
Strange Itineraries
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A Blink of the Screen
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Equal Rites (and ebook)
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Feet of Clay (and ebook)
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Jingo (and ebook)
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Maskerade (and ebook)
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Mort (and ebook)
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Night Watch (and ebook)
Pyramids (and ebook)
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Thief of Time (and ebook and audible)
Thud! (and ebook)
The Truth (and ebook and audible)
Unseen Academicals (and ebook)
Wee Free Men (and ebook)
Wintersmith (and ebook)
The Wit and Wisdom of Discworld (kindle)
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Cherie Priest
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Jacaranda (ebook)
The Toll (kindle)
Liz Prince
Alone Forever (ebook)
David Pringle, ed
The Best of Interzone
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The Amber Spyglass
The Book of Dust
The Golden Compass
The Subtle Knife


Joe Queenan
One for the Books


George Rabasa
The Wonder Singer (ebook)
David Rabe
Dinosaurs on the Roof
Tom Rachman
the Imperfectionists (kindle)
Hannu Rajaniemi and Jacob Weisman, eds
The New Voices of Science Fiction (ebook)
Brian Ralph
Daybreak (ebook)
Cat Rambo
Eyes Like Sky And Coal And Moonlight (kindle)
Cat Rambo and Fran Wilde, eds
Ad Astra (ebook)
Alice Randall
Black Bottom Saints
Robert Rankin
The Antipope
East of Ealing
Claudia Rankine
Citizen (kindle)
Roger Rapoport and Marguerita Castanera, eds
I Should Have Stayed Home
Lina Rather
Sisters of the Vast Black (kindle)
Johary Ravaloson
Return to the Enchanted Island (kindle)
Robert J. Ray
The Weekend Novelist
Chet Raymo
The Dork of Cork
John Reader
Joyce Reardon, ed
The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer
Red Sofa Poets
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Mumbo Jumbo
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An Exaltation of Larks
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Love Hurts (kindle)
Dia Reeves
Bleeding Violet (ebook)
Ed Regis
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Revenger (kindle)
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Troika (kindle)
Zima Blue
KaeLyn Rich
Girls Resist! (ebook)
Kim Michele Richardson
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Surviving Malcolm X (ebook)
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The Rational Optimist (kindle)
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Domestication (audio)
Germincation (audio)
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I.D. (ebook)
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Jacob Ritari
Taroko Gorge (ebook)
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The Goodall Mutiny (ebook)
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Gulp (audible)
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Still Life with Woodpecker
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The real-Town Murders (kindle)
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The King's Gambit
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R. Garcia Y Robertson
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New York 2140
Pacific Edge
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Red Mars
Red Moon
The Wild Shore
Spider Robinson
Lady Slings the Booze
True Minds
Spider & Jeanne Robinson
The Stardance Trilogy
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Luis Rodrigues, ed
Breaking Windows
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Days of Obligation
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Unnatural Selection (ebook)
Mattox Roesch
Sometimes We're Always Real Same-Same (ebook)
Irma S. Rombauer, Marion Rombauer Becker and Etahn Becker
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Salad Samurai
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Normal People (kindle)
Alex Rosenberg
The Girl from Krakow (kindle)
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Josh Roundtree
Fantastic Americana (ebook)
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Nowhere to Go (kindle)
Arundhati Roy
The God of Small Things
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Complete Stories (kindle)
Mathematicians in Love
The Ware Tetraology (ebook)
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Destroyer of Worlds
Fool on the Hill
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The Mirage
Set This House in Order
Sewer, Gas & Electric
Fernando Ruiz
Night at the Comic Shop (ebook)
Kevin Rushby
Eating the Flowers of Paradise
Salman Rushdie
The Satanic Verses (audio)
Karen Russell
Sleep Donation (kindle)
Mark Russell
God is Disappointed in You (ebook)
Mary Doria Russell
Children of God
Dreamers of the Day
The Sparrow
A Thread of Grace
The Women of the Copper Country
R. B. Russell
Literary Remains (kindle)
Bayard Rustin
Time on Two Crosses (ebook)
C. T. Rwizi
House of Gold (kindle)
Scarlet Odyssey
Geoff Ryman
The King's Last Song (kindle)


Layla F. Saad
Me and White Supremacy (kindle)
Fred Saberhagen
Brother Assassin
Kiini Ibura Salaam
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Common Wealth
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Grover Sales
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The Frugal Wizard's Handbook for Surviving Medieval England (ebook)
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The Rithmatist (kindle)
Steelheart (kindle)
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Tress of the Emerald Sea (ebook)
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The Well of Ascension (kindle)
Yumi and the Nightmare Painter (ebook)
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Rules of Prey (audio)
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George Saunders
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Josie & the Pussycats vol 2 (ebook)
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Fairlady 1 (ebook)
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Finders (kindle)
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Writing the Other
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Lewis Shiner
Glimpses (ebook)
Nine Hard Questions about the Nature of the Universe
John Shirley
The Exploded Heart
The Other End (kindle)
Really, Really, Really, Really, Weird Stories
Robert Silverberg
Dimension Thirteen
Voyagers in Time
Peter J. Silvester
A Left Hand Like God
Alex Simmons & Rex Lindsey
Archie World Tour (ebook)
Alex Simmons & Fernando Ruiz
The Cartoon Life of Chuck Clayton (ebook)
Dan Simmons
The Fall of Hyperion
Marie Simmons
Fresh & Fast Vegetarian
Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
Graeme Simsion
The Rosie Project (kindle)
Vandana Singh
Ambiguity Machines and Other Stories
Utopias of the Third Kind
The Woman Who Thought She was a Planet
Christine Sismondo
America Walks into a Bar
Emily C. Skaftun
Living Forever & Other Terrible Ideas
Jack Skillingstead
The Chaos Function
Rebecca Skloot
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
Dion Sky
The God Market (kindle)
Brando Skyhorse
The Madonnas of Echo Park (kindle)
Suzanne Slade & Cozbi Cabrera
Exquisite (ebook)
Lauren Slater, ed
The Best American Essays 2006
A.G. Slatter
All the Murmuring Bones
Robin Sloan
Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore
The Suitcase Clone (kindle)
Joan Slonczewski
Daughter of Elysium (kindle)
A Door into Ocean
Frank "Big Black" Smith
Big Black: Stand at Attica (ebook)
Scott Snyder
Wytches, vol 1 (ebook)
Dava Sobel
Longitude (kindle)
Raymond Sokolov
Why We Eat What We Eat
Rebecca Solnit
A Paradise Built in Hell (kindle)
Wanderlust (kindle)
Rivers Solomon
The Deep (kindle)
Justin Somper
Vampirates: Demons of the Ocean (audio)
S. P. Somtow
Dragon's Fin Soup
Jasmine Nights
The Riverrun Trilogy
Starship & Haiku
Tagging the Moon
Michael Sorkin
All Over the Map (ebook)
David Sosnowski
Tree of Aeons (audio)
Art Spiegelman
Maus I
Maus II
Normad Spinrad
A Critic at Large in the Multiverse (kindle)
An Experiment in Autobiography (kindle)
Mexica (kindle)
New Worlds Coming (kindle)
Osama the Gun (kindle)
Quarantine (kindle)
Nancy Springer
The Oddling Prince (ebook)
Dana Stabenow
Second Star (kindle)
Tom Standage
An Edible History of Humanity (kindle)
The Victorian Internet (kindle)
Fred L. Standley and Louis H. Pratt, eds
Conversations with James Baldwin
Freya Stark
The Valleys of the Assassins
Richard Stark
The Score (kindle)
Marshall and Jean Stearns
Jazz Dance
Alex Steffen, ed
World Changing
Wallace Stegner
Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs
Adam Stemple and Jane Yolen
The Last Tsar's Dragons (ebook)
Neal Stephenson
The Big U
(first ed)
The Confusion
The Diamond Age
The System of the World
Neal Stephenson, Greg Bear, et al
The Mongoliad, book one (kindle)
The Mongoliad, book two (kindle)
The Mongoliad, book two (kindle)
Bruce Sterling
Pirate Utopia (ebook)
Robot Artists & Black Swans (ebook)
Berni Stevens, ed
Michael Stevens
Fortuna (kindle)
Stuart Stevens
Malaria Dreams
James Stevens-Arce
Soulsaver (ebook)
Robin Stevenson & Allison Steinfield
Kid Activists (ebook)
Amy Stewart
The Last Bookstore in America (kindle)
Sean Stewart
Resurrection Man
Susan Stinson
Martha Moody
Jonathan Strahan, ed
The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year Volume Seven (kindle)
The Book of Dragons (kindle)
Reach for Infinity
Peter Straub, ed
Conjunctions 39: The New Wave Fabulists
Victoria Strauss
The Art of the Stone (kindle)
Cheryl Strayed
Two Women Walk into a Bar (kindle)
Whitley Strieber and James Kunetka
Nature's End
Charles Stross
The Atrocity Archives
Dark State (kindle)
The Fuller Memorandum
Halting State
Iron Sunrise
The Jennifer Morgue
Rule 34 (kindle)
Season of Skulls (kindle)
Robert Subiaga, Jr.
John Jeremiah Sullivan
The Best American Essays 2014 (kindle)
Michael J. Sullivan
Hollow World (audio)
Masuda Sultan
My War at Home
Gilliam Summers
Tree Shepherd's Daughter (kindle)
Kung Li Sun
Begin the World Over
Adora Svitak
Speak Up! (ebook)
Harvey Swados
Celebration (kindle)
Standing Fast (kindle)
Michael Swanwick
The Best of (kindle)
Not so Much, Said the Cat (kindle)
K.M. Szpara
Docile (kindle)


Bogi Takacs
The Trans Space Octopus Congregation (kindle)
Transcendent 3 (ebook)
George Takei
They Called us Enemy
Wole Talabi
Incomplete Solutions (kindle)
Anna Tambour
Monterr'a Deliciosa (kindle)
Shaun Tan
Lost & Found
Reay Tannahill
Food in History
Luca Tarenzi
Poison Fairies (ebook)
Candacy Taylor
Overground Railroad (ebook)
Justin Taylor
The Gospel of Anarchy (ebook)
Sonya Renee Taylor
The Body is Not an Apology (ebook and audio)
Adrian Tchaikovsky
Children of Memory (kindle)
The Doors of Eden (kindle)
Elder Race (kindle)
Spiderlight (kindle)
Terry Teachout
Sheri S. Tepper
Raising the Stones
The Revenants
Mark Teppo
Studs Terkel
American Dreams: Lost & Found
Walter Tevis
The Man Who Fell to Earth
Marcel Theroux
A Stranger in the Earth
Paul Theroux
The Best American Travel Writing 2001
Brandon Thomas et al
Horizon vol 1 (ebook)
Piri Thomas
Down These Mean Streets
Sheree Renee Thomas, Oghenechovwe Donald Ekperki and Zelda Knight, eds
Africa Risen
Harry Thompson
To the Edge of the World (kindle)
Tade Thompson
Far from the Light of Heaven
Amy Thomson
Through Alien Eyes
Rebecca Thorne
Can't Spell Treason without Tea
Pascal Khoo Thwe
From the Land of Green Ghosts
Karin Tidbeck
Jagannath (ebook)
Lavie Tidhar, ed
The Apex Book of World SF (kindle)
The Apex Book of World SF 2 (kindle)
Cloud Permutations (ebook)
The Escapement (ebook)
Neom (ebook)
New Atlantis (ebook)
Osama (kindle)
Unholy Land (ebook)
The Vanishing Kind (ebook)
The Violent Century (ebook)
Chuck Tingle
Pounded in the Butt by My Reluctance to Buy a Humble Bundle... (ebook)
Straight (kindle)
James Tiptree, jr
Her Smoke Rose Up Forever
Ten Thousand Light-Years from Home
Maggie Tokuda-Hall
The Mermaid, the Witch and the Sea (kindle)
Andrea Tone
Devices & Desires
Richard Tregaskis
X-15 Diary (ebook)
Calvin Trillin
Enough's Enough
C. Spike Trotman & Amanda Lafrenais
FTL, Y'all! (ebook)
Tlotlo Tsamaase
The Silence of the Witting Skin (ebook)
Carolyn Turgeon
Rain Village (ebook)
Cadwell Turnbull
The Lesson (kindle)
Frederick Turner
Gary Turner and Marty Haplern, eds
The Silver Gryphon
Stuart Turton
The Last Murder at the End of the World


Kimberly Unger
The Extractionist (ebook)
Nucleation (ebook)
Barry Unsworth
Mooncranker's Gift


Catherynne M. Valente
The Bread We Eat in Dreams (kindle)
Genevieve Valentine
Mechanique (ebook)
Luisa Valenzuela
Dave Van Arnam
Gordon Van Gelder, ed
The Very Best of Fantasy & Science Fiction volume 2 (ebook)
Jack Vance
The Jack Vance Treasury (ebook)
Ann VanderMeer
Steampunk III (ebook)
Ann & Jeff VanderMeer, eds
Best American Fantasy
Best American Fantasy 2
The Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals (ebook)
The New Weird
Sisters of the Revolution
Steampunk II (kindle)
The Time Traveler's Almanac
The Weird (kindle)
Jeff VanderMeer
Booklife (ebook)
City of Saints and Madmen
Hummindgbird Salamander
Secret Life
Secret Lives (kindle)
Shriek: An Afterword
Third Bear (kindle)
Jeff VanderMeer & Forrest Aguirre, eds
Leviathan Three
Jeff VanderMeer & Cat Rambo
The Surgeon's Tale and Other Stories (kindle)
A.E. Van Vogt
Destination: Universe!
The Proxy Intelligence and Other Mind Benders
David Vann
Legend of a Suicide (kindle)
Robert E. Vardeman
Sandcats of Rhyl (kindle)
Francesca Varela
The Seas of Distant Stars
John Varley / Samuel R. Delany
Tango Charlie and Foxtrot Romeo / The Star Pit
The Kamasutra of Vatsyayana
Brian K. Vaughan
Paper Girls 1 (ebook)
Paper Girls 2 (ebook)
Paper Girls 3 (ebook)
Paper Girls 4 (ebook)
Brian K. Vaughan & Fiona Staples
Saga 1 (ebook)
Saga 2 (ebook)
Saga 3 (ebook)
Saga 4 (ebook)
Saga 5 (ebook)
Saga 6 (ebook)
Saga 7 (ebook)
Saga 8 (ebook)
Saga 9 (ebook)
Carrie Vaughn
The Immortal Conquistador (ebook)
Kitty's Mix Tape (ebook)
Francesco Verso
Nexhuman (ebook)
Frank T. Vertosick
Mind: A Unified Theory of Life and Intelligence (ebook)
Edgar Villanueva
Decolonizing Wealth (ebook and audio)
Barbara & Grey Villet
The Lovings (ebook)
Juan Villoro
The Wild Book
Steven Vincent
the Red Zone
Joan Vinge
Catspaw (kindle)
Tangled up in Blue
World's End
Vernor Vinge
The Children of the Sky
A Deepness in the Sky
A Fire Upon the Deep
Across Realtime
The Collected Stories
Rainbow's End
Threats... and other Promises
True Names
True Names and Other Dangers
Nghi Vo
The Empress of Salt and Fortune (kindle)
When the Tiger Came Down the Mountain (ebook)
William T. Vollmann
The Best American Travel Writing 2012 (kindle)
Mikhail Voloshin
Dopamine (kindle)
Jorge Volpi
Season of Ash
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
Armageddon in Retrospect
Bagombo Snuff Box
Between Time and Timbuktu
Breakfast of Champions
Canary in a Cat House
Cat's Cradle
Deadeye Dick
Fates Worse than Death
God Bless You, Dr. Kevorkian
God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
Hocus Pocus
If This Isn't Nice, What Is? (kindle)
A Man Without a Country
Mother Night
Player Piano
The Sirens of Titan
Sucker's Portfolio (kindle)
Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons
Welcome to the Monkey House
Sabrina Vourvoulias
Ink (ebook)
Ray Vukcevich
Meet me in the Moon Room
Ocean Vuong
On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous


Angel Wagenstein
Isaac's Torah
K. B. Wagers
There Before the Chaos
Kate Waitman
The Merro Tree
Howard Waldrop
A Dozen Tough Jobs
Dream Factories and Radio Pictures (kindle)
Heart of Whitenesse
Howard Who? (and ebook)
Night of the Cooters
Strange Monsters of the Recent Past
Them Bones
Alice Walker
Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful (kindle)
Living by the Word (kindle)
Once (kindle)
David Walker & Bilquis Evely
Shaft (ebook)
David F. Walker & Dietrich Smith
Shaft: Imitation of Life (ebook)
Rysa Walker
Time's Edge (kindle)
David Foster Wallace
A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again
Natalie Zina Walschots
Jess Walter
We Live in Water (kindle)
Evangeline Walton
She Walks in Darkness (ebook)
Jo Walton
Among Others
The Just City
The King's Name (kindle)
Or What You Will (kindle)
Starlings (ebook)
Tooth and Claw (kindle)
What Makes This Book So Great
Geoffrey C. Ward, ed
The Best American Essays 1996
Jesmyn Ward
Sing, Unburied, Sing (audio)
Elissa Washuta
White Magic
Bill Wasik & Monica Murphy
Rabid (audible)
D. Watkins
The Beast Side (ebook)
Ian Watson
The Great Escape
Bill Watterson
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
Peter Watts
Beyond the Rift (ebook)
Blindsight (kindle)
The Freeze-Frame Revolution (ebook)
Peter Watts is an Angry Sentient Tumor (ebook)
Evelyn Waugh
Waugh Abroad
When the Going was Good
Abbi Waxman
The Bookish Life of Nina Hill (kindle)
Teddy Wayne
Kapitoil (ebook)
Don Webb
A Spell for the Fulfillment of Desire
Helene Wecker
The Golem and the Jinni (kindle)
The Hidden Place (kindle)
Brent Weeks
The Black Prism (kindle)
The Blinding Knife (kindle)
The Broken Eye (kindle)
Night Angel Trilogy (kindle)
Perfect Shadow (kindle)
Su Wei
The Invisible Valley
Steven Weinberg
Third Thoughts
Eric Weiner
The Geography of Bliss (kindle)
Zach Weiner
The Most Dangerous Game (ebook)
Save Yourself, Mammal! (ebook)
Andy Weir
The Martian
Daniel Evan Weiss
The Roaches have No King
Ivy Noelle Wier & Steenz
Archival Quality (ebook)
Sam Weller and Mort Castle, eds
Shadow Show (ebook)
Christi Jay Wells
Between Beats (kindle)
Martha Wells
All Systems Red (kindle & audio)
Artificial Condition (audio)
The Cloud Roads (kindle)
The Element of Fire (kindle)
Exit Strategy (audio)
Fugitive Telemetry (kindle & audio)
Network Effect (& audio)
Rogue Protocol (audio)
The Serpent Sea
The Siren Depths
The Wizard Hunters
Eudora Welty
The Collected Stories (kindle)
Chuck Wendig
Black River Orchard (kindle)
The Harvest (kindle)
Invasive (kindle)
Under the Empyrean Sky (kindle)
Wanderers (kindle)
Zeroes (kindle)
Lindy West
The Witches are Coming (kindle)
Rebecca West
The New Meaning of Treason (kindle)
Scott Westerfeld
Uglies (ebook)
M. G. Wheaton
Emily Eternal
Wil Wheaton
Dead Trees Give No Shelter (kindle)
The Happiest Days of Our Lives (ebook)
Just a Geek (ebook)
Alex White
A Big Ship at the Edge of the Universe (kindle)
Curtis White
The Middle Mind
Alfred North Whitehead
Science and Philosophy (ebook)
Colson Whitehead
The Underground Railroad (audible)
Kurtis J. Wiebe
Rat Queens 1 (ebook)
Rat Queens 2 (ebook)
Rat Queens 3 (ebook)
Rat Queens 4 (ebook)
Rat Queens 5 (ebook)
Rat Queens 6 (ebook)
Rat Queens 7 (ebook)
Rat Queens 8 (ebook)
Fran Wilde
Lisa Wilde
Yo, Miss (ebook)
Kate Wilhelm
Juniper Time
Isabel Wilkerson
The Warmth of Other Suns
Conrad Williams
London Revenant
Eley Williams
The Liar's Dictionary
John A. Williams
The Man Who Cried I Am (ebook)
Sean Williams
Saturn Returns
Walter John Williams
Hard Wired
Metropoliton (kindle)
Jack Williamson
The Humanoid Touch
The Silicon Dagger
Connie Willis & Cynthia Felice
Light Raid (kindle)
Water Witch (kindle)
Connie Willis
All Clear
The Best of
Doomsday Book
Fire Watch
Inside Job (ebook)
Miracle and Other Christmas Stories
The Road to Roswell (kindle)
Terra Incognita
To Say Nothing of the Dog
Uncharted Territory
The Winds of Marble Arch (and kindle)
Deborah Willis
Black (ebook)
Jennifer Willis
Valhalla (kindle)
Daniel H. Wilson
Guardian Angels & Other Monsters
G. Willow Wilson
Alif the Unseen
Jamia Wilson
Big Ideas for Young Thinkers (ebook)
Step Into Your Power (ebook)
Kai Ashante Wilson
A Taste of Honey (kindle)
Kevin Wilson
The Family Fang (kindle)
Robert Anton Wilson
The Earth Will Shake
Everything is Under Control
Masks of the Illuminati
Nature's God
The Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy
The Widow's Son
Robert Anton Wilson, Robert Shea
The Illuminatus! Trilogy
Robert Charles Wilson
Blind Lake
A Bridge of Years
The Harvest
The Perseids and Other Stories
Spin (ebook)
Ronald Wimberly
Black History in its Own Words (ebook)
Prince of Cats (ebook)
Simon Winchester
The Best American Travel Writing 2009
Meaning of Everything
The Perfectionists
Pat Wingert and Barbara Kantrowitz
The Menopause Book
Judd Winick
Pedro and Me
Mary-Frances Winters
We Can't Talk About This at Work (ebook & audio)
Gene Wolfe
Interlibrary Loan (kindle)
James Wood
The Book Against God
Brian Wood and Kristian Donaldson
The Massive Vol 1: Black Pacific (ebook)
Nick Wood
Azanian Bridges (kindle)
Jim Woodring
The Frank Book (ebook)
Jacqueline Woodson
Another Brooklyn (kindle)
Patricia C. Wrede
The Ceclia and Kate Novels (kindle)
M. K. Wren
A Gift Upon the Shore (ebook)
Ronald Wright
A Scientific Romance


Jia Xia
Spring Festival (ebook)


Stephen Yafa
Neon Yang
The Tensorate Series
Isabel Yap
Never Have I Ever
Kit Yates
The Math of Life & Death
Caroline M. Yoachim
Seven Wonders of a Once and Future World (kindle)
Jane Yolen
Arch of Bone (ebook)
The Emerald Circus (ebook)
How to fracture a Fairy Tale (ebook)
The Midnight Circus (ebook)
Sister Emily's Lightship (ebook)
Sister Light, Sister Dark (ebook)
Skottie Young
I Hate Fairlyand 1 (ebook)
I Hate Fairlyand 2 (ebook)
I Hate Fairlyand 3 (ebook)
I Hate Fairlyand 4 (ebook)
Charles Yu
How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe (kindle)
Interior Chinatown


Carlos Ruiz Zafon
The Angel's Game
The Midnight Palace
The Rose of Fire (kindle)
The Shadow of the Wind
Paul Zakrzewski, ed
Lost Tribe
Roger Zelazny
The Chronicles of Amber
Creatures of Light and Darkness
Damnation Alley (ebook)
The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth (ebook)
Lord of Light
The Mask of Loki
Sarah Zettel
A Sorcerer's Treason (kindle)
Helen Zia
Asian American Dreams
William Zinsser
American Places
Zoran Zivkovic
The Fourth Circle
Hidden Camera
The Library
Jim Zub
Glitterbomb 1 (ebook)
Glitterbomb 2 (ebook)
Wayward 1 (ebook)
Wayward 2 (ebook)
Wayward 3 (ebook)
Wayward 4 (ebook)
Wayward 5 (ebook)
Wayward 6 (ebook)
Michell Zuckoff
Lost in Shangri-La (kindle)
Markus Zusak
The Book Thief


The Bangkok Writers: Tales from the other City of Angels (kindle)
the Best American Sampler 2011(kindle)
Bitch Planet 1 (ebook)
Bitch Planet 2 (ebook)
Bitch Planet: Triple Features (ebook)
Carniepunk (kindle)
Crime Does Not Pay Archives Volume 1 (ebook)
The Fierce Reads Anthology (kindle)
Granta 84: Over There
Granta 86: Film
Granta 88: Mothers
Granta 113: The Best of Young Spanish Language Novelists
Know the Past, Find the Future: the New York Public Library at 100 (kindle)
L.A. Noire (kindle)
Some of the Best from 2011 edition (kindle)


The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary, third Edition

Legend: read currently reading unread or reference